CDC Exclusive Provider
Frank P. Adamo, DPM
Phone: 610-935-1500
Exam Locations: Folsom & Bala Cynwyd, PA
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
1997 – 2001
Iona College
New Rochelle, NY
Dual Major: Chemistry B.S. and Economics B.S.
1994 – 1997
Delaware County Foot and Ankle Center, P.C.
Private Practice, Owner
550 MacDade Blvd., Folsom, PA 19033
Crozer Chester Medical
Assistant Program Director
Center Podiatric Surgical Residency Program
Trained for three years at a high volume foot and ankle surgical residency program in a major metropolitan area. Received extensive training in all areas of foot and ankle surgery, including peri-operative management of the surgical patient, forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot surgery, the use of external fixation, arthroscopic surgery, joint replacement (including the De Puy Agility Ankle), trauma, diabetic limb salvage and Charcot reconstruction. Third year of training is devoted to rearfoot reconstructive surgical procedures and arthrodesis, ankle trauma, and learning the intricacies of practice management including coding and billing in an office setting. Trained for one year in suburban hospital with Medical and Surgical rotations in Emergency Medicine, Anesthesia, Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, Rheumatology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Radiology, Pulmonology, Pathology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Drug Rehabilitation, Dermatology, Orthopedic, General, Vascular, Plastic and Podiatric Surgery.
Residency Training
Chief Surgical Resident 3rd Year (PSR-36)
The Graduate Hospital Foot and Ankle Surgical Residency
Philadelphia, PA
Chief of Foot and Ankle Surgery: Harold D. Schoenhaus
2002 – 2005
Podiatric Medical Resident (PPMR)
Montgomery Hospital
Norristown, PA
2001 – 2002
Publications & Research
Clinical Study Investigator
Clinical Study Protocol Pharmacia/Pfizer
A multi-center, double-blind, parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral doses of Valdecoxib 20mg (Bextra) versus placebo in the treatment of moderate pain in subjects undergoing orthopedic surgery.
2002 – 2004
Clinical Study Investigator
Clinical Trial Protocol UCB Pharma Inc.
A multi-center, double-blind, randomized, parallel group, two period study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral doses of extended release combination of hydrocodone 15mg and acetaminophen 1000mg tablets, and placebo in the treatment of moderate to severe pain in subjects undergoing orthopedic surgery.
2002 – 2004
Clinical Study Investigator
Clinical Trial Protocol Bayer Corporation
A prospective, randomized, double-blind, multi-center trial assessing the safety and efficacy of sequential (intravenous/oral) BAY 12-8039 (Moxifloxocin) 400mg every 24 hours compared to intravenous piperacillin/tazobactam 3.0/0.375mg every 6 hours followed by oral amoxicillin/clavulanic acid suspension 800mg every 12 hours for the treatment of patients with complicated skin and soft tissue infections.
2002 – 2004
A Unique Approach to Ankle Joint Arthrodesis, Poster Presentation
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Annual Scientific Conference
Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA,
March 2005 / Submitted to JACF AS June 2005
A Nonosseous Lateral Ankle Stabilization Repair Utilizing Split Peroneus Brevis and Longus Tendons For Chronic Inversion Injuries
Submitted to The British Journal of the Foot, May 2001
A Statistical Analysis of the Infant Mortality Rate in America’s Seventy Largest Cities
Submitted to American Economic Review, May 1996
Post-graduate Education
2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2015 Annual Scientific Conference
Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, AZ
February 19-22, 2015
2014 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2014 Annual Scientific Conference
Gaylord Palms Resort, Orlando, FL
February 27-March 2, 2014
2013 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2013 Annual Scientific Conference
Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV
February 11-14, 2013
2012 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2012 Annual Scientific Conference
San Antonio Conference Center, San Antonio, TX
March 1-4, 2012
2011 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2011 Annual Scientific Conference
Fort Lauderdale Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 9-12, 2011
2010 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2010 Annual Scientific Conference
Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV
February 22-26, 2010
2009 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2009 Annual Scientific Conference
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
March 5-8, 2009
2008 AO North America Advanced Podiatric Course
Los Angeles, CA
February 14-17, 2008
2007 American Podiatric Medical Association
2007 Annual Scientific Meeting
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
August 16-19, 2007
2006 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2006 Annual Scientific Conference
Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV
March 20-24, 2006
2005 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
2005 Annual Scientific Conference
Hyatt Regency New Orleans, LA
March 9-13, 2005
2005 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 72nd Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C.
February 23-27, 2005
2004 Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy Surgical Skills Course
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Orthopedic Learning Center
Rosemont, IL.
June 25-27, 2004
2004 DePuy National Podiatric Foot and Ankle Symposium
Rosemont, IL.
March 28-30, 2004
2004 EBI Foot and Ankle Surgery Conference
EBI Main Office,
Parsippany, NJ
March 21, 2004
2003 Foot Deformity Correction Using the True/Lok External Fixation Device
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Dallas, TX
Course Chairman: Mikhail Samchukov, MD
March 7, 2003
2002 SLT Contact Laser (Nd:YAG) Education Program
The Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
December 9, 2002
2002 Symposium on Healing in Foot and Ankle Surgery
The Graduate Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
September 28, 2002
2002 The 16th Annual Foot and Ankle Institute Seminar, Temple
University School of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
September 19-21, 2002
2002 The Goldfarb Foundation Presenting the Maine Podiatric
Medical Association’s Fifth Annual Ski Seminar: Foot & Ankle
Trauma, Fractures and Other Degenerations, Kingfield, ME.
March 21-23, 2002
Affiliations, Certifications & Licensure
- Admitting Privileges at Taylor Hospital, Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Springfield Hospital, Riddle Memorial Hospital, Bryn Mawr Hospital, Lankenau Hospital and Paoli Hospital
- American Podiatric Medical Association
- Pennsylvania Podiatric Medical Association
- Fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
- Diplomat, American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Certified in Foot, Rearfoot and Reconstructive Ankle Surgery
- ACLS and BLS certified
- PA license # SC-0048 l 6L
- DEA# BA 7465924
- NPI # 1649225814
Plantar Fascitiis
Taylor Hospital CME lecture
Foot & Ankle Ailments
Taylor Hospital CME lecture
Ankle Fusion
The Graduate Hospital
Indications for External Fixation
The Graduate Hospital
Pediatric Flatfoot
The Graduate Hospital
Hallux Abducto Valgus
The Graduate Hospital
Hallux Limitus: Treatment and Complications
Podiatric Surgery Rounds
The Graduate Hospital
Charcot Neuroarthropathy of the Midfoot and Ankle
Podiatric Surgery Rounds
The Graduate Hospital
DVT Prophylaxis
Podiatric Surgery Rounds
The Graduate Hospital
Osteomyelitis in the Diabetic Lower Limb
Infectious Disease Rounds
The Graduate Hospital
Epiphyseal Plate Trauma: Orthopedic Conference
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine
Warfarin Induced Skin Necrosis
Vascular Surgical Conference
Cooper Hospital